Monday, January 4, 2010

Now That's a Good Sandwich

If you're heading to the East Side Mall to do any post-holiday shopping (or returns!) you have GOT to eat at The Metro Grill. I'm serious, this is not a choice, this is a necessity. Sure, it's a little food stand in the middle of a mall food court. But Mike Gonzales, who owns the place, is a master of short order gourmet cooking. My favorites include the grilled asparagus and this, which is the best steak sandwich in the city:


Don't let its appearance fool you! This seemingly hodgepodge combination of ingredients is a culinary triumph. Don't judge it until you've had a bite. I can also recommend the Pasta Mia, and I'd bet money that everything else on the menu is worth the wait. (Yes, there will be a line. But Mike or his crew will entertain you with their cooking and their bantering.)

Mike's planning on opening a stand-alone restaurant this year, so I'm really looking forward to trying that!

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