Happy New Year!!!!!!
I just got home from a wonderful trip to see family and friends in Pittsburgh, PA (where I went to college) and Alexandria, VA (where I did most of my growing up). We stayed with my husband's family for a few days, and got to catch up with all our college friends who are still in PA. Our close friends Mike and April hosted a TREMENDOUS Christmas party, with more good food and drink than we could have consumed in a week. (We did our best to polish it off in one night, though.) It was a blast to see everyone, and to see Mike and April's new house. (As a Realtor, of course, the house held particular interest for me! ;-) )
After Christmas, we drove town to Alexandria to stay with my parents until New Year's Day. Staying at their place is always SUPER relaxing. Bryan and I try to make them the last stop of every vacation. This time, when we walked into the house, we were greeted by a delightful and unusual sight: A Festivus Pole!
For those of you who don't watch the TV show Sienfeld, a "Festivus pole" is the equivalent of a Christmas tree for anyone who celebrates the fictional holiday of Festivus. One of the characters in the TV show says he grew up celebrating no religious holidays, and instead his family put up a bare metal pole at Festivus time, and created such traditions as "the feats of strength" and "the airing of grievances." Now, clearly, my mom's interpretation of the Festivus pole is a little more cheerful, but it still made me laugh out loud to see the thing! Mom and Dad decided not to do a tree this year, because they were in Denver with my sister Jean for Christmas Day.
Anyway, I hope all of you enjoyed the holidays as much as I did! Now that they're over, I'm back in the 'ta and ready to hit the ground running in 2010! I started the year right by showing one of my listings to a new buyer. . . hopefully that works out well! I'll keep you posted!
Stay warm!