I have been a VERY busy lady for the past few weeks! My husband Bryan and I have been (drum roll please. . . ) HOUSE HUNTING! After all, there's nothing sillier than being a Real Estate Agent who doesn't own a home, PLUS we're running out of time to cash in on our $8,000 tax credit. So, I'm happy to say, we are now under contract to buy our first home! I don't want to say anything else about it, because I'm superstitious enough to worry that I might jinx the deal. BUT, I promise details and photos very soon!
In other news, my ALL TIME FAVORITE burger place has opened a location in Wichita! As you may or may not know, I lived all over the US before moving here in 2007. During my time in Pittsburgh, PA, and Alexandria, VA, I developed a near-dependence on cheeseburgers from Five Guys. Now, a lot of Five Guys fans will tell you that the fries are what make the place special. I'm not knocking the fries; they're fantastic! Nice thick cuts of potato fried in delicious peanut oil. . . mmmm. But it's the BURGERS that are truly special. Not only are they perfectly grilled and carefully assembled, but you can get AS MANY TOPPINGS AS YOU WANT, for FREE! I love that. Anyway, earlier this month, Five Guys opened up a new location at 2610 N Maize. Last Saturday, they were CRAZY busy, but the line moved fast and Bryan and I had our burgers within about 15 minutes of entering the restaurant. Here's what it looks like inside, by the way:
Bonus points for anyone who can identify the handsome man in the foreground!
And HERE is my phenomenally delicious burger, made with my favorite toppings: lettuce, tomato, ketchup, and mustard:
Needless to say, you should head to Five Guys immediately and experience the tastiness for yourself. Not in the mood for a burger or fries? Too bad, it's all they have! You can get a LITTLE burger, if you want, (and I always do) because the regular sized burgers are pretty sizable. Oh, and you can get your fries Cajun style, if you like some spice. OH! And I almost forgot, ALL THE FREE PEANUTS YOU CAN EAT!